Treasure Lake
Posts by Treasure Lake:
May 2024 – Financial Overview
May 2024 Financial Update
The May 2024 financials are now available for your review on the Treasure Lake website.
Key Points:
- Year to Date (YTD) Total Revenue: Down by $22,123; monthly decline of $16,745.
- YTD Cost of Sales: Increased by $18,616.
- YTD Operating Expenses: Decreased from $1,521,538 in 2023 to $1,337,146 in 2024, an improvement of $184,392.
- YTD Total Comprehensive Activity: Improved from -$240,884 in 2023 to -$66,627 in 2024, a $174,257 year-over-year improvement.
We are continuing to make progress each month, and with the camping season just beginning, we’re optimistic about further improvements.
Exciting News: The preliminary June 2024 financial report shows very promising results. Although the Finance Committee has not yet reviewed these numbers, we wanted to share some good news with you.
- Total Comprehensive Activity for June 2024: A profit of $160,160, compared to $31,719 in June 2023, an increase of $128,441.
- YTD Bottom Line for the First Six Months of 2024: A profit of $93,707, compared to a loss of $207,824 in 2023, a $301,531 year-over-year improvement.
Please note that these are preliminary figures and may change after the review process. Once available, the finalized June financials will be posted on the website.
Your current Board has worked diligently to achieve these significant improvements, overcoming the challenging financial situation we inherited. We look forward to seeing continued progress in July.
April 2024 Financial – Overview
Latest Update on Financials
The final April 2024 financials are now available for review on the Treasure Lake website ( I aim to have the May financial report posted by next week and June soon after.
When we receive the preliminary report, the Finance Committee—which includes myself, Dustin Logsdon, and our GM, Steven Mills—reviews it meticulously, examining each line for errors or questionable results. We then submit any discrepancies to our CPA firm for verification and/or correction. Our goal is to provide our owners with accurate numbers.
Key Points from April:
- Year-to-Date (YTD) Total Revenue is down by $5,379. We are investigating the decrease in Storage Fee Revenue and Show Ticket Revenue to verify their accuracy.
- YTD Cost of Sales is down by $25,905.
- YTD Operating Expenses are down by $116,624.
- YTD Total Comprehensive Activity is at $-179,894 compared to $-287,821 in 2023, reflecting an improvement of $107,998 year over year. This is a significant improvement for this time of year.
Please note that these figures are for April, which is still off-season, so operating at a loss is common. As camping season begins, we anticipate an increase in Treasure Lake’s income and hope to see these numbers turn positive.
I also want to address an ongoing issue. Many of the challenges the current Board of Directors (BOD) is addressing stem from past decisions.
You will see a slide below created and used by the Treasurer at the August 2023 Board Meeting. The July 2023 numbers indicate a $67,669 loss for the month, which is more than double the 2022 figure. The year-to-date (YTD) loss stands at $231,060, an increase of nearly $60,000 from the previous year. This follows a significant loss of $412,000 in 2022.
Despite these inherited challenges, we are making substantial progress and moving in the right direction.
Board Working Meeting Agenda for 7/20
New Business
- Adding Steven Mills as signer on bank accounts
- Department budgets
- Candidate Forum
- Verification of Owners from Candidates Signatures
- Investment account liquidation
- GM Vehicle
- Non-Traditional Campers
- Safety Inspection
- Long Term & Strategic Planning
Personnel Discussion: Executive Session
Old Business:
- Roof Repair
- Storage Audit
- Cat tails in Phase two pond
- Employee Handbook
Indoor pool update
The indoor pool needs some new parts for the pump and we cannot get them until Monday. We hope to have the pool open by late Tuesday afternoon, after we have repaired the pump and re-balanced the chemicals. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Two Bears
Please note that two bears were seen last night, in phase 3. If you see them please make sure you stay away from them, keep your pets away and keep all food sources secure.