Live Announcement – New Activities Director
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We had a few cabins get bed bugs over the last weekend that we will need to shut down and treat causing us to cancel some reservations. Sorry for any
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Below is the Restrictions Article that gives the BOD the legal authority to enforce an Assessment according to Legal Counsel.
Article III, Section E of the Declaration of Restrictions gives the Club (the Association) the authority to “levy and collect fees, dues, taxes and assessments from its members” to “establish a reserve fund for such purposes as the Board of Directors may approve,” to “provide for the maintenance of all Club buildings, recreational vehicle park, equipment, and other community features” and to “expend the monies collected by the Club from dues, assessments or charges….for the payment and discharge of all proper costs, expenses, and obligations incurred by it in carrying out any or all of the purposes for which it is formed.” Clearly, an assessment for capital expenditures is contemplated by Article III, Section E.
The BOD decided to put a hold on the Assessment for 2024 at this time.
Because of the ongoing state of struggling financial affairs of Treasure Lake, which has been communicated multiple times throughout 2023, the BOD will be looking at decreasing even more operating expenses which will affect the operations of our park.
Along with digging deep to cut even more expenses from the Operations of TL the BOD has decided to increase the prices back to the original amounts prior to 2023 decreases.
Owners who have already paid the 2024 Assessment will receive refund checks which will be mailed the week of December 11th.
Lee Steveson
TLCC President
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I will post later today the results of the Board call.
TLCC President
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The Board of Directors has voted for each membership a $280.00 capital improvement assessment in 2024. Due to requests by multiple owners, the Board has approved the option to pay the assessment in two installments. The first installment of $140.00 is due no later than March 1, 2024, with the second installment of $140.00 due no later than July 1, 2024. If a member chooses to pay the full amount in one payment, the $280.00 is due no later than March 1, 2024. This assessment is reserved for Capital Improvements only and will not be applied to operating expenses. These funds will be reflected in a separate account, monitored and reviewed by the Board, then reported to the owners on a monthly basis.
Our Resort is aging and in need of repairs to roads, buildings including roofs, lift stations for sanitation and other repairs. Required repairs that have been made over the last few years such as pool repairs, appliance and air conditioners replacement for rentals, the road repair to Phase 2 by the pond, along with inflation, hikes in utilities costs and minimum wage increases have had a big impact on our regular budget resulting in a operating loss and a drain on our reserves. This assessment would allow us to not only do some necessary repairs but also do some preventative maintenance. It will also keep unplanned capital expenditures from having a negative impact on the daily operations budget. This is for 2024 only and there is no discussion for any other assessment.
If you have any questions, please contact one of your Board members.
Treasure Lake RV Resort Board of Directors
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