Long time owner Linda Auten needs your prayers. Linda suffered a severe stroke on Friday. She’s not doing well and the entire Auten family needs your prayers. ????????????????
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Long time owner Linda Auten needs your prayers. Linda suffered a severe stroke on Friday. She’s not doing well and the entire Auten family needs your prayers. ????????????????
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I will be doing a live park tour today! Should start around 1pm! See ya then!
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President Lee Steveson will be out of pocket for the week. Please reach out to a different BOD if needing anything. You can find the contact info at TL
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President- Lee Steveson
Vice President- Bryan Norton
Treasurer- Gary Miles
Secretary- Tom Wilkerson
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I want to address a few things that changed over the last 3 days at Treasure Lake.
Your BOD has decided to impose an Assessment Fee of $280.00 for the 2024 year. This was deemed to be necessary because of the numerous financial increases Treasure Lake has been required to face for the last few years which has been decreasing the operating capital.
These assessment funds will be restricted and only be used for “Capital Improvements” throughout Treasure Lake. Examples of those expenses are but not limited to improvements in Roads, Buildings, Utilities, Pumping Stations as examples. These funds WILL NOT be used for items that do not fit into the category of “Capital Expenses.
The Treasure Lake Treasurer, the General Manager and Secretary will be responsible for all accounting and recording of funds used and ensure proper recording to Treasure Lake’s accounting firm for proper placement on monthly and yearly Profit & Loss statements. Along with the individuals directly responsible above the entire Board of Directors will be kept informed monthly.
Anytime changes are made to the Operations of Treasure Lake opportunities arise from misunderstanding, rumors or Owners that are not pleased with the changes deciding to leave Treasure Lake.
I want to further clarify the increase and squash rumors that has already been spread to other Owners.
-Assessment billing will be mailed very soon, and the fee will be due NLT March 1st, 2024.
-If you purchased your Membership to Treasure Lake in 2023 you will NOT be assessed the new fee of $280.00.
-The Assessment Fee that was voted and approved on October 27th, 2023, is only being assessed in 2024 to assist Treasure Lake’s ability to regain Operating Capitol that has been lost over the last 5 years.
-There will be a DECREASE of $5.00 across the board for all rental units, RV sites and the Buy-Back rates.
-There are NOT and have NOT been any discussions or plans for Assessments past 2024.
-Treasure Lake yearly storage fees will have an increase to %500.00 per RV Storage Contract effective 1 February 2025. This increase will not have any effect on the 2024 contracts recently mailed to Owners.
The BOD will be having Board Meetings on the 3rd Friday of April, July and October for the Annual Meetings. All during the year the BOD will be meeting monthly in Work Sessions to accomplish Board Responsibilities and these Work Sessions will be communicated by the “Official” Treasure Lake Facebook site ( for immediate distribution and also by the new Email System that was set up in 2023. These two communication avenues will be the primary electronic means of communication to our Owners.
If you are not currently receiving emails from Treasure Lake please email Richard at: Richard Pomeroy .
We as your Board of Directors hope this will add clarity to the changes, so you better understand why this assessment was needed.
Lee Steveson
President, Treasure Lake Camping Club INC.
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