Treasure Lake
Posts by Treasure Lake:
Hello Fellow Owners,
Here is the agenda for the Board of Directors Work Session that will be held on June 15th, 2024.
New Business
• Minutes May 18th and June 1st approval
• Park update/Needs (Wally 10:00)
o Towing Concerns
o Security structure
o Volunteer board/cards
o F/U on Signed employee TL Handbook sheets
o Employee Worksheets update
• 4th of July update- Insurance Permits, Food plans- Serving at lodge, Food trucks or separate place for drinks, Open to the Public (Bruno 11:00)
—Fire Marshal and paramedics informed
• Roof Update (Tom Plummer 12:00)
• Approve expense report
• LTPC–meetings for LTPC plans (Lael)
• Board Travel policy updates
• Committee Updates from Board Members
• Legal council (Lee)
• General Manager hiring update (Lee)
• GM Relocation Package
• Complaints
Personnel issues: Executive Session
Old Business:
• Ice Machine update (Don 1:30)
• Investment Account update/CD rate (Gary M.)
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Good Morning Fellow Owners,
We received almost 150 applications for the TLCC General Manager position.
The 1st round of interviews for our General Manager position are scheduled for Thursday- Saturday, (June 7-9).
The Board of Directors and a few Owners will be conducting this first round of interviews.
After the first interviews are concluded the team will narrow down applicants for a 2nd interview.
We will keep you posted as the process continues.
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Fellow Owners, 6-1-24
Lee Steveson, President of TLCC INC., called a Special Meeting that was held on the evening of June 1st. The purpose of the meeting was to better inform/update the leadership of the status of the park. As soon as the minutes are ready we will post on the appropriate sites for all owners to view.
Along with reviewing the operations of the park the Board of Directors also reviewed two (2) written complaints against current Board members, Gary Jones and Gary Myles.
After review and discussion, the Board decided Gary Jones will receive a written reprimand for his inappropriate actions and foul language used during an incident on the property.
After close review and consideration of issues involving communication and slow follow-up of daily operational needs, the BOD adjusted the structure of the leadership that will only last during this difficult transition time.
Each Board member has been assigned an area of responsibility to aid in assisting the daily operations, keeping in mind this is only temporary to relieve the workload on our Interim GM, Wallace (Wally) Johnson. Below are the assigned areas of responsibility:
Gary Myles- Front Offices
Gary Jones & Tim Wells- Maintenance
Activities- Lael Streight
Rock & Roll- Juli Jordan
Housekeeping- Bryan Norton
Security- Lee Steveson
Wally Johnson, Head of Security and Assistant to the Manager, will continue park oversight and work with the Board until our GM is hired. All managers will still be required to report to Wally and the assigned Board members will be available for support and/or guidance when needed.
The resume deadline for General Manager was May 31st. We have received almost 150 resumes and have narrowed down applicants for a 1st interview. The BOD will be holding interviews this week and from those applicants a smaller list will be selected for a 2nd interview.
Now, for the elephant in the room. Our Bylaws and Restriction allow for Special Meetings to be called by any Board Member, (see below)
6. Special Meetings.
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the
President or any Director. The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the Board of Directors may fix a reasonable time and place for holding them.
As the Board was having this meeting social media was blowing up. It is such a shame we have the few Owners that want to continue to be the center of attention, wanting you to think they know everything, calling this meeting “illegal”, even start their own Social Media site so they can control what is said continue to cause so many owners grief by maliciously spreading of rumors.
Please help us by squashing/ignoring these few that only want to cause disruption because they have nothing better to do! All they are wanting you to do is engage in their unprofessional actions.
Please, if you have questions reach out to a Board member of your choice using the Treasure Lake resources offered to each owner.
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2024 Dues
Your 2024 dues payment should be with us today, June 1st, if it is not already. You can pay online at the website, using the Payments menu option. Late fees will start to accumulate August 1st, but you cannot use the park from today until the payment is made.
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Phase 1 power
White River were able to get the power restored to Phase 1! Thank you White River Electric, and Brad who worked with them from the early hours of the morning!
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