When applying for a position you will need to come in and fill out an application form or download the form from the website, using the link provided in each posting, website and send to *protected email* 417-334-1040 x 254
Weed eating and zero turn lawn mower.
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Responsibilities are painting, plumbing, electrical and general maintenance.
Responsible for cleaning rentals, bathhouses, all common areas, working in laundry.
Activities is looking for Life Guards for the season.
Responsible for guard shack and making sure the park is secure and members following the rules.
Work Camper for Rock n Roll Café prepping, cooking, serving food.
Work Camper for Activities working in The Camp Smore Store, theater, game check in/out, Helping in the special events.
Work Camper for Security working in the guard shack and security of park.
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